Saturday - November 25, 2023
...The BEST Holiday
Scavenger Hunt in New Jersey
Activities & Shopping Take Place In & Around
Six Points Plaza
574 Bloomfield Ave.

Complete the scavenger hunt OR spend $20 or more to enter to win a
About the Bloomfield Center
Holiday Hunt
An afternoon of holiday cheer, festive entertainment, giveaways and of course great local shopping awaits.
This FREE family-friendly event at Six Points Plaza will be filled with music, hot cocoa, ice sculptures, a visit from Santa and more. Attendees will receive a Bloomfield Center Holiday Hunt Map highlighting the various Holiday Hunt Destinations.
Hunt for Holiday Gifts
in Bloomfield Center
Thank You Holiday Hunt Sponsors
About Bloomfield Center Alliance
The Bloomfield Center Alliance, Inc. (BCA), a non-profit organization, works with the Township of Bloomfield to promote the downtown Shopping District.
The Bloomfield Center Alliance is engaged in a number of projects and programs on behalf of the Center community, designed to attract, retain and foster business in the downtown. BCA's strategies focus on promoting the downtown and giving people a reason to come back. As part of that strategy, The BCA organizes, sponsors and hosts a number of events throughout the year that showcase the Center and the community at large. Bloomfield Center Alliance’s goal is to preserve, protect, and enhance the business improvement district and its various assets, while raising the equity value of properties and businesses.
Questions about the Bloomfield Center Holiday Hunt?
Contact us via:
Learn More About the Bloomfield Center Alliance